Welcome to the Equifund Newsletter & New Opportunities Alert Service!

Here’s what you should know about the emails we’ll be sending you on a regular basis (hint: you’re gonna love them)

Jordan GillissieJordan Gillissie here.

Thanks again for signing up for the Equifund Newsletter.

If you’re tired of getting overly aggressive marketing from other financial publications promising you’ll make a bazillion dollars in 15 minutes…

Good news. We’re not gonna spam your inbox with any of that nonsense.

Instead, we’re going to send you thoughtful, insightful, and well researched material that you look forward to reading.

Because here’s the truth about investing in the private markets…

This is a long term game. And we want to build long term relationships with our subscribers (that’s you) so we can have fun playing it together.

Sound good?

If so, we hope you enjoy the (almost) daily emails coming your way.

Everything we send you is designed to make you a smarter “private market” investor.

And yes, from time to time, we’ll tell you about some of the investment opportunities we have available on the Equifund Crowdfunding Platform.

But we want to make sure you don’t miss out on any of our emails! So, if you haven’t already, be sure to move the welcome email in the Primary tab if it wasn’t there.

We’ll be in touch!

Yours for investing equality,
Jordan Gillissie
Jordan Gillissie – CEO