Investment Calculator

If you are an individual, Equifund has built an easy to use calculator that will help you determine how much you're allowed to invest.

Simply enter your information below and it will calculate the maximum amount you’re allowed to invest:

The amount you’re allowed to invest in Reg-CF varies on your income and net worth.

Here’s how it breaks down…

  • In any 12-month period an individual investor is permitted to invest up to the following limits:
    • If your annual income or net worth is less than $107,000, you can invest the greater of $2,200, or 5 percent of your annual income or net worth (whichever is higher).
    • If both your annual income and net worth are equal to or more than $107,000, the limit increases to 10 percent of your annual income or net worth (whichever is higher), not to exceed $107,000; and
    • If you are an accredited investor, you are not subject to any investing limits in Reg-CF. For a full definition of what an accredited investor is, and how to qualify, click here
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