As a FINRA regulated crowdfunding portal, our mission is to help retail investors get access to exciting private market investment opportunities that help them reach their financial goals.
In just a moment, I’m going to tell you about how you can start investing in exciting private market deals you won’t find anywhere else…
As well as the five major crowdfunding investment mistakes that destroy your potential returns!
But first, I want to ask if you’ve heard this pitch before…
“For decades, only the world’s richest people could get access to the most lucrative investment opportunities…
But thanks to this little known law…
Everyday people – just like you – now have the chance to invest the next [insert popular company] and turn ever $100 invested into a gazillion billion dollars!”
I know we all want to believe that it really could be that easy to “get rich”…
But I think we all know the only people making money off that hyperbolic sales pitch are…
- The Guru’s selling newsletters…
- The crowdfunding platforms who make their money by charging a “listing fee” (which incentives them to put up as many deals as they can, regardless of quality) and…
- The companies receiving capital who wind up doing god knows what with it.
And shocker…
In the end, people like us get screwed – again – by the usual suspects.
As Peter Thiel famously lamented in his manifesto “What Happened to the Future?”…
“We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters.”
Well, as an everyday investor who was promised the so-called “Future of Investing”…
I wanted the opportunity to invest in innovative startups that were solving real problems for real people…
But instead, all I got was a crappy T-shirt for some Kickstarter campaign I backed (but no equity or any ROI)…
It’s not fair.
In fact, it’s never been fair.
Because this game has always been rigged against us.
But maybe it didn’t have to be.
That’s why I decided to start Equifund.
I wanted a chance to build my wealth using the same “alternative investments” the wealthy have access to…
But every time I looked for quality private market deals that didn’t require a 7-figure (or 8-figure) minimum…
All I found were a whole bunch of third-rate deals listed for absurd valuation numbers with laughable due diligence.
So, instead of complaining about how bad these deals on other crowdfunding portals were…
I decided to do something every true capitalist should do…
Sadly, most investors have no idea about the costly mistakes they’re making right now when considering investing in a crowdfunding investment opportunity.
That’s why I decided to publish this short, easy-to-understand, and quick-to-read guide.
Our goal is simple…
Teach you how to properly screen early-stage investment opportunities so you don’t get hoodwinked.
Don’t make a single crowdfunding investment until you read this free report! Otherwise, you might fall victim to any one of these five mistakes that could destroy your potential returns.
Download The 5 Early-Stage & Pre-IPO Investing Mistakes That Destroy Returns report here.